I recently bought the Blu-ray DVD of the movie Big Eyes. It's commonly known that Margaret Keane, the actual artist of the big eyes paintings, became a JW after moving to Hawaii. Their initial calling on her is portrayed in the movie, but it doesn't make a big deal out of it.
In the Special Features, Ms. Keane appears in a brief Q&A session. She seems very modest and gracious, and got a big laugh at the end when she made a great quip that tied in with the movie. I also noticed that she wore a bright blue "JWdotOrg" lapel pin throughout. Whatever...
In case you're wondering, I thought it was a pretty good movie and worth the time spent watching. The main premise is that her husband promoted her work as his own and almost completely dominated her. At first, she went along with it because "people don't care about women's art," and his tireless promotion made them millions. Later, she went public that she was the actual artist and her husband (or maybe ex-husband by that time) sued her. At the trial, the judge ended up having them both paint something for comparison and she clearly established that she was in fact the original artist.